
artful words about life

"Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future. I wanna fly like an eagle. To the sea."
-Steve Miller, Fly Like An Eagle

This is a collection of poetry and writings I've created over the years. I started writing when I was about 12 years old. I am now north of 50. The ultimate goal is to publish as many writings from my history and today that I don't despise too much. As a younger person I wrote nearly every single night. Putting words to paper became self-therapy for me during my 'coming of age' years. Later in life I've needed inspiration to create these jumbles of words. Some writings will have dates, some will not. Because some of these words fully bare my soul to the elements of the Internet I have opted not to share my identity. If you need a name for reference, here is one: Spark.

Thank You. I love you. Be kind. Unwind. Good. Bye.

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